Alida Vračić is a political scientist and a co/founder and the executive director of think tank Populari, Western Balkans think tank specializing in the post-conflict state building processes democratization, good governance and migration. Ms. Vračić holds a Law degree from University of Sarajevo and Karl- Franzens-Universitaet Graz, where she specialized in criminal proceeding law. She also holds M.Sc. in International public policy form University College London (UCL) and the Executive Education for non-government executives at Kennedy School of governance (Harvard). Prior to founding Populari, Alida worked for the State Court prosecutor’s team in Bosnia and at the Human Rights Commission within the Constitutional Court of Bosnia. She also led several Balkan-wide projects for the Human Rights Centre at Sarajevo University and the Spanish Institutional Programme. Recognized for her leadership skills Ms. Vračić was invited to take part in several fellowship and degree programmes, including those of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Merkator Stiftung. She regularly presents her work at all major European capitals and has been cited as a regional expert in numerous Balkan and European media – The New York Times, The Economist, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Der Standard, Reuters, Deutsche Welle – as well as North American news outlets.

Alida Vračić will be a speaker at the international conference Europe for the Many on Friday 8th November.