Paweł Wodziński, theatre director, essayist, curator. Director of Biennale Warszawa. Founder and head of Towarzystwo Teatralne, an association formed to promote contemporary dramaturgy and socially engaged theatre. In 2000–2003 he was the Managing and Artistic Director of Teatr Polski in Poznań. In 2010 he became the programming director of the 5th International Festival of Polish Contemporary Drama R@PORT in Gdynia. In 2014-2017 he was the Director of the Teatr Polski in Bydgoszcz and the curator of the Festival of New Dramaturgies. He is an author of dozens of performances, including “Solidarity. Re-enactment” (2017), “Solidarity. The New Project” (2017), “Global Civil War” (2018) and texts published in “Dwutygodnik,” “Dialog,” “Teatr” and other periodicals.

Paweł Wodziński will participate at the international symposium organised with the Biennale of Warsaw and the Biennale of Kiev on Thursday 7th November.